Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ethan Daniel Bradley was born at 9:27 am on 2/10/10. He weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Ethan's delivery was easier than Scotlyns , I was more prepared and knew what to expect. I was able to have another Natural delivery. I was induced Wednesday morning and thanks to my mom labor went smooth, my mom knew exactly what to say and was an excellent coach. When it came time to push Ethan's heartrate was dropping and the doctor siad that if I didn't get him out fast we would need to have a cesarean., my biggest fear. Thankfully I was able to push him out in time. The cord was wrapped around him twice, he came out blue and needed a little help crying. Thanks to a great doctor and awesome nurses Ethan is home and healthy. I am so thankful for wonderful support from Mark and my Mom. We love our cute little man.
