Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Growing up too fast!

My kids are growing up way too fast! Marks Step mom sent us a box of stuff from Marks childhood in it Mark found a book that his mom kept of Mark. It had a paragraph every couple of weeks that had funny stories or accomplishments. It was really fun to read , so I want to try and keep up on my blogging so Scotlyn and Ethan can read about them when they are older. We'll see how it goes!

Scotlyn is so dang cute! I love her more everyday! She is such a wild child, but so sweet and lovable. Whenever you leave the house she says "need kiss need kiss" you can't leave without a hug and a kiss. She knows all the letter sounds. She can spell her name. Every time she spells her name she yells her name after, it is so cute! She can count to 5 and sometimes to 10 if she isn't distracted. She is talking so good, I can understand pretty much all of what she is saying. She has had a hard time saying her f sound and she love goofy, but she calls him goopy. Mark was trying to get her to say the f sound so he was elongating all the sounds and so she copied him and still said p it was so funny because she tried so hard and emphasized the p sound. She LOVES to go to the Library, she knows how to checkout and has to help. When we go shopping she has to help scan the items and helps swipe the card and sign it. Hse is such a big helper. She still refuses to potty train, not that iI am really pushing it. She is so little, poor girl can't get on the toilet by herself or reach the sink. She is terrified to sit on the toilet because one time she tried to get on and fell in, poor kid. Diapers are much easier right now. Scotlyn is such a good big sister, she loves to play with Ethan and loves to see him smile, she rips out his binki and says "smile cute." We love our Scotlyn!

Ethan is not my little baby anymore. I miss my baby, but love my happy boy! He is EVERY WHERE. He has been crawling since 6 months. He never army crawled like Scotlyn, straight up to hands and knees. Loves the stairs! Before we got a gate Mark was watching the kids and went to the bathroom and when he came out Ethan was on stair 10 and Scotlyn was at the top saying "come on buddy, come on." The 2 of them keep us on our toes. Ethan LOVES his baby food. He eats sooo much! He eats food and still nurses as much as he did before he started on food. He loves his Dad! He cries every time Mark leaves for work. He is such a Happy boy and we love him so much!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Kiddos!

Scotlyn jumped in the tub with Ethan and they had a blast. Look at those roles!

Scotlyn! where to begin? This child can make me laugh and cry all in just a minute. She turned 2 in June and totally acts the part. She is the biggest cheese ball ever! She loves to dance, sing, play the piano and put on a show and when she is done she expects an applause. She refuses to go potty in the toilet, she has done it and knows how, but doesn't want to. She is a huge tease and just so random.There is never a dull moment in our house when Scotlyn is around. She is very independent and has a mind of her own. She won't wear anything she doesn't want to. She loves boots. She used to wear mine all the time, then she saw her friend with a pair and the next time we went to target she saw a pair in her size and we couldn't leave without them. She wears them all the time. Scotlyn wears me out everyday and i can't let her out of my sight, but she is the sweetest little girl and we love her so much. She loves to give hugs and kisses. I love it when she gives hugs and says " my favorite" and she just started telling me I'm pretty. Love our girl!

Ethan is the happiest baby. I love it! He is always laughing. I love it when Scotlyn gets in his face and they just sit and laugh at each other. Ethan is sitting up on his own and almost crawling. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks then falls down. He is Huge! I am used to a little pip squeak, he weighs the same as his 2 year old sister and he is only 7 months. He loves baby food, which is the total opposite from Scotlyn. He is at that clingy stage and if he can't see mommy he freaks out. He says mama, loves his daddy and loves to grab your face. We love our little man so much and so glad he is part of our family!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

This post is dedicated to my amazing mother. Mom, you are my best friend. You are always there when I need you, and always know when to call. I can't count the times you have dropped your busy life to be there for me. You have been there for me as I struggle with being a mom and I don't know what I would have done without you at the birth of Scotlyn and Ethan. You are an awesome Grandma, Scotlyn loves her Grandma and asks every day about you. We wish we lived closer so we could see you more often. I love you Mom!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The rest of what we've been up to

I don't know how people keep up on their blogging when they have kids. I swear they know when I am trying to get something done and they both need me. I wanted to post about Scotlyn and Ethan they are both growing up to fast. Here is what they've been up to.
Scotlyn is such a smart little girl. She is always making us laugh. I can't believe she will be 2 in June. I love this little girl so much, but she can make me want to pull out my hair. She is such a little pip squeak, but she makes up for it in personality. Here is a little about her
-Knows a lot of aninals and what sounds they make.
-Knows all her body parts
-loves to talk on the phone. this morning she called my mom and had a conversation, then said love you bye.
-She is a little Daddy's girl.
-Loves to give hugs and kisses the her baby brother
-She is talking so good
-She repeats everything, She loves yelling Mark and Caitlin.
- Whenever she does anything she claps her hands and says good girl.
-says please and thank you. Yesterday at church she said thank you to the boy that passed us the sacrament
-loves to wear mommy's shoes
- She loves to sing and dance, she will sing along in church with the hymn book open
We love our little Scotty!
Ethan is such a sweet happy boy. He
-loves his hand
-coos all the time
-sucks his thumb
-loves to bounce
-loves to snuggle
We are so blessed with such beautiful kids.

Friday, April 30, 2010

What we've been up to

April 17th I ran the Salt Lake City Half Marathon with my sister and some friends. Everyone did great! It was so much fun to have so many people running the race. I was not as prepared as I would like to have been, but I am glad I did it. I love the adreniline rush and just being able to take off and run. I love the course, minus the big hill at mile 11, and the weather is perfect. I ran the full last year and hope to run the full next year.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter and Fair

In April there is always the Clark County Fair in Logandale. It has been a long time since I have gone. This year all the girls wanted to get together at the fair. Scotlyn loves animals so I figured I would bring the kids, she had a blast. It was great to see everyone again, it's been too long. Everyone looks great and are doing good. It was fun to catch up.

Easter morning always starts early for me. I was up at 3:45 in order to make it to the Easter Sunrise Program at Palm Mortuary. We have to be there at 5:30 to practice. The Program is a great way to start Easter Morning. It was nice to come home and enjoy General Conference. I always feel like the talks are exactly what I need to hear. After Conference we headed to Mark's Grandpa's house for dinner. We hid eggs in Grandpa greats backyard, Scotlyn loved it. We enjoyed dinner and games with Mark's family.
I am so thankful for my Savior and the sacrifice he made for me. I am thankful that my beautiful family can be together forever. I love Mark so much and my 2 sweet little kids. They are the best!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ethan Daniel Bradley was born at 9:27 am on 2/10/10. He weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Ethan's delivery was easier than Scotlyns , I was more prepared and knew what to expect. I was able to have another Natural delivery. I was induced Wednesday morning and thanks to my mom labor went smooth, my mom knew exactly what to say and was an excellent coach. When it came time to push Ethan's heartrate was dropping and the doctor siad that if I didn't get him out fast we would need to have a cesarean., my biggest fear. Thankfully I was able to push him out in time. The cord was wrapped around him twice, he came out blue and needed a little help crying. Thanks to a great doctor and awesome nurses Ethan is home and healthy. I am so thankful for wonderful support from Mark and my Mom. We love our cute little man.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

New words

I love the age Scotlyn is at. She is starting to talk and I love when she says a new word. She loves words with P in them. Puppy, Grandpa, Hippo. Marks favorite is when she says "bye, see ya". My new favorite is when she Says " I love you" The video is not the best, but you can hear it good.


This year for Christmas we stayed home. It was wierd not haveing tons of family around, but it was good. On Christmas Eve we went to the Strip and Walked around City Center. It was fun to see where Mark worked and all that he did. We had Enchiladas for dinner and then opened our traditional pajamas. Christmas day we opened presents then Caleb came over for breakfast. We then headed over to Marks Grandpa's and Had dinner with Marks Mom and family.
